
How Store Displays Affect Buying Decisions

In "Why We Buy", Paco Underhill explores the psychology of consumer behavior in retail. Drawing on extensive research and real-world observations, he provides valuable insights into the factors that influence shopping decisions.

The book emphasizes the importance of understanding shopper behavior and offers practical advice on optimizing store layouts, displays and the overall shopping experience — something we care about deeply at Cayuga Displays.

We use information from Underhill and other shopping experts to create engaging displays that drive sales and increase customer satisfaction.


The impact of store displays on consumer behavior

How products are presented and showcased on in-store displays can profoundly impact how consumers perceive and interact with them.

Well-designed store displays attract consumers' attention and engage them visually. Eye-catching displays can pique curiosity and draw shoppers toward specific products or areas of the store.

The floral department, for example, provides a fantastic opportunity to set a lively, positive tone for your customers, sending them an unmistakable message about the quality and freshness on offer at your store. Visually enticing displays draw customers in, compelling them to impulsively add a bouquet to their shopping cart.

Store displays shape consumers' perceptions of products. A visually appealing and organized display can create a positive impression, making products appear desirable and of higher quality. This perception influences consumers' decision-making processes, increasing their likelihood to purchase.

A great example of this is the work we’ve done to help the Golub Corporation realize its vision to create its new Market 32 brand. By closely collaborating with the Golub team, who used Watt Design to create this vision, we developed innovative, cost-effective displays to present their products in the most inspiring way possible.

Strategically located store displays provide opportunities for consumers to discover new products or explore a wider range of options. Placing related or complementary items together can encourage consumers to consider additional purchases and explore different product categories.

Since Cayuga products are built with modular designs, they’re easily adaptable to new situations — such as special sales, seasonal offerings or cross-merchandising opportunities — giving grocers the flexibility they need to change their display’s layout at a moment’s notice.

A well-crafted display has the power to evoke emotions in consumers, creating a sense of desire, excitement or even nostalgia. Triggering an emotional response can influence buying decisions.

Enticing customers with vibrant displays featuring crisp produce, fresh meat and deli products, farm-fresh dairy and baked goods will make their mouths water… and encourage them to add these items to their carts.

Effective store displays can stimulate impulse purchases and help boost sales. The fear of missing out is a powerful motivator for impulse buying. By placing exclusive deals, low-priced or limited-time-offer items near checkout counters or at eye level, grocers can create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to purchase on the spot.

Store displays contribute to the overall brand experience. Consistent display designs that align with a brand's values and identity can strengthen brand perception, build trust and foster customer loyalty.

When deciding where to shop, your customers are literally comparing apples to apples. Consistent branding makes customers feel like they’re in the right place and can trust you to deliver on what your brand promises them — which is why we design standard product platforms that can be easily customized.

Thoughtfully designed displays contribute to smooth customer navigation and flow within the store. Clear signage, logical product placement and intuitive layouts help customers find what they need easily, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

By understanding the psychology behind store layouts, grocers can strategically design their stores to create a welcoming atmosphere that enhances their customers’ experience and maximizes sales.


Key Insights from "Why We Buy"

By applying these key insights from "Why We Buy" to the design of our display cases, we can create displays that enhance the overall shopping experience. The goal is to attract customers, guide their behavior and drive sales by considering these factors.

  • Optimize traffic flow, guiding customers towards key areas and ensuring easy access to products.
  • Consider factors like eye-level positioning, grouping complementary items and highlighting popular or high-margin products.
  • Incorporate sensory cues like colors, lighting and textures to enhance the shopping experience and evoke positive emotions.
  • Design display cases that are easy to browse and interact with, considering factors like product accessibility and clear labelling.
  • Incorporate storytelling elements into display cases to strengthen brand identity by using visuals, signage and product arrangements to communicate your brand's values or unique selling points.
  • Enhance the customer's shopping experience by offering convenient suggestions for additional purchases.
  • Stay updated on changing customer preferences, market trends and emerging technologies to remain innovative and relevant.

Knowing how customers behave is crucial when designing effective store displays. At Cayuga, we use consumer insights to create products that go beyond showcasing products — they enable businesses to create engaging experiences that foster emotional connections, drive sales and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.

We’ve spent a lot of time and resources studying consumer behavior and applying our knowledge to our products. If you’d like more information on how our display cases and other products can benefit you, feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to answer your questions.

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